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Quality products at very low prices
Quality products at very low prices

Shipping Policy

Important shipping information is included for you to understand that we take the necessary measures to keep you well informed before making a decision to buy products online during the extreme circumstances around the globe.

The time of shipping has been affected due to COVID-19 in many cases. Eventhough, we are committed to provide you the best shipping time possible.

Some suppliers have cancelled their shipping temporarily to different countries because COVID-19 restrictions have forced companies changed their business structure. 

We are Including the list of countries served under the following parameters: 


Under COUNTRIES WE CAN SHIP TO, there are a large number of countries. However, this does not mean that every single one of your orders will be eligible to ship to each one of the countries in that list. The eligibility of your products being able to ship to each country is based on their Product Type. Some product types are not eligible to be shipped to certain countries due to the country specific shipping restrictions in place. If this is ever the case, we'll inform you via email right away. 


IMPORTANT NOTE: Please understand that due to the ever changing shipping environment, as well as the ongoing circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the countries in this list are subject to change. Make sure to check back often to ensure you're aware of any changes.

  1. Afghanistan (AF)
  2. Algeria (DZ)
  3. Andorra (AD)
  4. Angola (AO)
  5. Anguilla (AI)
  6. Antarctica (AQ)
  7. Antigua and Barbuda (AG)
  8. Argentina (AR)
  9. Aruba (AW)
  10. Ascension Island (Z2)
  11. Australia (AU)
  12. Austria (AT)
  13. Autonomous Country (SX)
  14. Azerbaijan (AZ)
  15. Bahamas (BS)
  16. Bahrain (BH)
  17. Bangladesh (BD)
  18. Belarus (BY)
  19. Belgium (BE)
  20. Belize (BZ)
  21. Benin (BJ)
  22. Bermuda (BM)
  23. Bhutan (BT)
  24. Bonaire (BQ)
  25. BONAIRE (XB)
  26. Bouvet Island (BV)
  27. Brazil (BR)
  28. British Indian Ocean Territory (IO)
  29. British Virgin Islands (VG)
  30. Bulgaria (BG)
  31. Burkina Faso (BF)
  32. Burundi (BI)
  33. Cambodia (KH)
  34. Cameroon (CM)
  35. Canada (CA)
  36. Cape Verde (CV)
  38. Central Africa (CF)
  39. Chile (CL)
  40. China (CN)
  41. Christmas Island (CS)
  42. Cocos Keeling Islands (CC)
  43. Colombia (CO)
  44. Comoros (KM)
  45. Congo (CD)
  46. Cook Islands (CK)
  47. Costa Rica (CR)
  48. Croatia (HR)
  49. Czech Republic (CZ)
  50. Côte d'Ivoire (CI)
  51. Denmark (DK)
  52. Djibouti (DJ)
  53. Dominica (DM)
  54. Dominican Republic (DO)
  55. East Timor (TL)
  56. Egypt (EG)
  57. El Salvador (SV)
  58. Eritrea (ER)
  59. Estonia (EE)
  60. Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) (FK)
  61. Faroe Islands (FO)
  62. Finland (FI)
  63. France (FR)
  64. French Guiana (GF)
  65. French Southern Territories (TF)
  66. Gabon (GA)
  67. Gambia (GM)
  68. Germany (DE)
  69. Ghana (GH)
  70. Gibraltar (GI)
  71. Greece (GR)
  72. Greenland (GL)
  73. Grenada (GD)
  74. Guadeloupe (GP)
  75. Guam (GU)
  76. Guatemala (GT)
  77. Guernsey Island (GG)
  78. Guinea (GN)
  79. Guinea-Bissau (GW)
  80. Haiti (HT)
  81. Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HM)
  82. Hong Kong (HK)
  83. Hungary (HU)
  84. India (IN)
  85. Indonesia (ID)
  86. Iran (IR)
  87. Iraq (IQ)
  88. Ireland (IE)
  89. Isle of Man (IM)
  90. Israel (IL)
  91. Italy (IT)
  92. Japan (JP)
  93. Jersey (JE)
  94. Jordan (JO)
  95. Kazakhstan (KZ)
  96. Kenya (KE)
  97. Kiribati (KI)
  98. Kyrgyzstan (KG)
  99. Lao (LA)
  100. Latvia (LV)
  101. Lebanon (LB)
  102. Lesotho (LS)
  103. Liberia (LR)
  104. Liechtenstein (LI)
  105. Lithuania (LT)
  106. Luxembourg (LU)
  107. Macau (MO)
  108. Macedonia (MK)
  109. Madagascar (MG)
  110. Madeira (PT)
  111. Malaysia (MY)
  112. Maldives (MV)
  113. Mali (ML)
  114. Malta (MT)
  115. Marshall Islands (MH)
  116. Martinique (MQ)
  117. Mayotte (YT)
  118. Mexico (MX)
  119. Micronesia (FM)
  120. Monaco (MC)
  121. Montserrat (MS)
  122. Morocco (MA)
  123. Mozambique (MZ)
  124. Myanmar (MM)
  125. Namibia (NA)
  126. Nauru (NR)
  127. Netherlands (NL)
  128. Netherlands Antilles (AN)
  129. Nevis (XN)
  130. New Caledonia (NC)
  131. New Zealand (NZ)
  132. Nicaragua (NI)
  133. Niger (NE)
  134. Nigeria (NG)
  135. Niue (NU)
  136. Norfolk Island (NF)
  137. Northern Mariana Islands (MP)
  138. Norway (NO)
  139. Oman (OM)
  140. Pakistan (PK)
  141. Palau (PW)
  142. Palestine (PS)
  143. Paraguay (PY)
  144. Philippines (PH)
  145. Pitcairn Islands (PN)
  146. Poland (PL)
  147. Portugal (PT)
  148. Puerto Rico (PR)
  149. Qatar (QA)
  150. Reunion (RE)
  151. Romania (RO)
  152. Russia (RU)
  153. Saint Barthélemy (XY)
  154. Saint Helena (SH)
  155. Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN)
  156. Saint Lucia (LC)
  157. Saint Martin (MF)
  158. Saint Pierre and Miquelon (PM)
  159. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC)
  160. San Marion (SM)
  161. Senegal (SN)
  162. Seychelles (SC)
  163. Singapore (SG)
  164. Sint Eustatius (XE)
  165. Sint Maarten (XM)
  166. Slovakia (SK)
  167. Slovenia (SI)
  168. Solomon Islands (SB)
  169. Somalia (SO)
  170. Somaliland (XS)
  171. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (GS)
  172. South Korea (KR)
  173. Spain (ES)
  174. Sudan (SD)
  175. Svalbard and Jan Mayen (SJ)
  176. Swaziland (SZ)
  177. Sweden (SE)
  178. Switzerland (CH)
  179. Syria (SY)
  180. São Tomé and Príncipe (ST)
  181. Taiwan (TW)
  182. Tajikistan (TJ)
  183. Thailand (TH)
  184. Togo (TG)
  185. Tokelau (TK)
  186. Tonga (TO)
  187. Tristan da Cunha (TA)
  188. Turkey (TR)
  189. Turkmenistan (TM)
  190. Turks and Caicos Islands (TC)
  191. Tuvalu (TV)
  192. U.S. Virgin Islands (VI)
  193. Uganda (UG)
  194. Ukraine (UA)
  195. United Arab Emirates (AE)
  196. United Kingdom (GB)
  197. United States (US)
  198. Uzbekistan (UZ)
  199. Vanuatu (VU)
  200. Vatican (VA)
  201. Vietnam (VN)
  202. Wallis and Futuna (WF)
  203. Western Sahara (EH)
  204. Western Samoa (WS)
  205. Yemen (YE)
  206. Yugoslavia (YU)
  207. Zaire (ZR)